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leadrship training transcendence
soft skills training
sales training
e learning transcendence
Leadership & Management Training
















Soft Skills Training
E - Learning

Outbound Training

Our Outbound Training gives you an extra edge over any other learning experience you may have had in the past. The aim of our outbound training is to make the trainees undergo a series of challenging and intense activities. You are pushed beyond your limits and your resistance is put to test. We put you in fierce and competitive situations that bring the best out of you and your team. Our outbound training programs are well researched and aptly designed that offer deep learning.

Outbound Training transcendence

Leadership Development

Leadership is a mindset and not a designation. A leader is able to assert and influence everyone. Our Leadership Skills Training gives you an insight into the various styles of leadership. The aim is to help trainees understand the different styles of leadership. The session will also cover the various ways a leader can influence and persuade his team. The idea is to help one understand the distinction between managing and leading. Our Leadership Skills Training helps every trainee to a level where they are able to seamlessly switch roles from a  manager to a leader and gradually develop to being a coach.

leadership development transcendence

Team Building

Our team-building training programs are challenging engaging and fun-filled. Our team-building activities are designed to provide an experiential learning experience to individuals that helps in a greater degree of retention and makes it easy for one to internalize the learning. The activities are customized to suit any age group and can have multiple learning outcomes such as leadership, team building, problem-solving, creativity, innovation, and many more.

team building transcendence
mang eff

Managerial Effectiveness

Being able to manage the available resources effectively is key to the smooth functioning of the people and processes. It is the ability to strike the right balance between process and people. The objective of our Managerial Effectiveness Training is to ensure that the participants understand the importance of managing themselves effectively. Our Managerial Effectiveness Training aims is to train every participant to be competent in the area of interpersonal communication which will help them achieve superior performance from the team. The manager is someone who is able to effectively delegate and create a succession plan & effectively communicate and drive change within the organization.

first tm mang
managerial effectiveness transcendence

First Time Manager

Being a manager for the first time is certainly very motivating and exciting. However, it comes with a new set of challenges for the first-time manager. There is a need for a transition or a change in the mindset from being an individual contributor to a team leader.  The objective of our First Time Manager Training program is to develop and nurture first-time managers into thoughtful leaders. This training will develop their capabilities to manage teams effectively by accepting new responsibilities. Our First Time Manager training will ensure that they can perform across with all the team members effortlessly by effectively making use of strong communication and influencing techniques. The aim of the training is to equip the managers with the ability to easily switch styles as a leader and as a manager.

first time managers transcendence
plan org

Planning & Organising

Planning is quintessential to the success of any task. This is followed by organizing and mobilizing the resources and seeing through them till execution.  The objective of our Planning & Organising Training is to ensure that the trainees understand the essential principles of planning and organizing. The goal is to introduce different types of planning and various stages in a business and their importance to the overall objective of the organization. The aim of our Planning & Organising Training is to drive in that there is a difference between being neat and being organized. In totality, the purpose of undergoing this training is to ensure that every employee has the right skills that enable him/her to plan & organize tasks meticulously to the detail, leaving almost zero chances for error during execution.

planning and organising transcendence

Problem Solving & Decision Making

The ability to work effectively and in a timely manner in a dynamic environment demands crucial skills. Problem-solving and decision-making are routine challenges that a leader or individual contributor encounters. The objective of our Problem Solving & Decision Making training is to equip the participants with the appropriate techniques that will enable them to follow a systematic approach to problem-solving. The idea is to help participants adapt to tried and tested models on decision making and solving the problems at the root rather than addressing only the symptoms. The crux of our Problem Solving & Decision Making Training is to incredibly enable participants to come up with various solutions to a problem as opposed to a single solution. This workshop goes a step further by including the objective of managing key decision makers internally and externally.

problem solving and decision making transcendence
com skill

Communication Skills

Effective communication is key to the effective implementation of plans and constant evaluation in any organisation. A breakdown or ambiguity in communication leads to a lack of trust between various stakeholders and impacts the outcome severely. The objective of our Communication Skills Training is to develop the skills of the participants and create powerful and effective communicators by using powerful NLP techniques. The objective is to make the participants improve their listening skills and impart knowledge and skills to help them create instant rapport with other people. Learning from our Communication Skills Training will empower the participants to communicate seamlessly and avoid any miscommunication. The bottom line is to empower the participants with the tools that will help them to decode the body language of others and match it to communicate effectively.

communication skills transcendence

Making High Impact Presentations

Presentations form an integral part of the work culture nowadays. Every individual has to present either to internal customers or external customers to put across their thoughts and concepts and impress upon the audience. Be it one-to-one or one-to-many, the outcome is directly dependent on the impact one creates in a presentation. The objective of our Presentation Skills Training is to ensure that participants learn and practice the tools and techniques that make their presentations create a positive impact resulting in favorable outcomes for the presenter.  Presentation Skills Training program will enable the participants to impart learning, share information, or influence decision making depending upon the individual preferences, departmental objectives, or conveying organizational values.

presentation skills transcendence
cust ser

Customer Service Excellence

The success of any business around the globe today is more dependent on shaping customer service experience than ever in the past. Technology has grown many a fold and has made several advances in various parameters that enhance the customer experience. Yet the biggest challenge we face today is the ability of human capital to keep pace with technology in shaping the customer experience. This is where our Customer Service Excellence Training program enables individuals to live, eat, and breathe service excellence.  The objective of the training is to draw the attention of our people to understand the essentials of customer service. The aim is to drive in the point of having a positive attitude and the correct mindset even before serving the customer. The aim for every participant is to understand their role in the transaction and its direct impact on the customer experience. The purpose of undergoing our Customer Service Excellence Training is to ensure that every participant has the right attitude and is equipped with the right skill sets and techniques to perform at their best and positively impact the customer experience.

customer service transcendence
intpersonal eff

Interpersonal Effectiveness

The ability to communicate with each other and create an atmosphere of harmony is essential to every business.  The objective of our Interpersonal Effectiveness Training is to help participants realize the importance of working relationships. The aim of our Interpersonal Effectiveness Training is to highlight the fact that in an ever-changing & challenging environment, having exceptional interpersonal skills is of utmost importance. It is a way to create and sustain complex relationships. The idea is to empower participants to communicate effectively and minimize conflict. The participants will be able to think and respond objectively to any situation resulting in improved relationships at the workplace and producing positive results.

interpersonal effectiveness transcendence
pe eff

Personal Effectiveness

Doing things the right way may help you achieve results to your potential. But, if you want to break through and rise beyond your potential, you need to do the right things. Simply, it's about being efficient and also effective. The objective of our Personal Effectiveness Training is to ensure that the participants understand the essential principles in life that make a person self-confident and self-reliant. The aim is to drive in the point of having a positive attitude and the correct mindset towards others and more importantly towards self. The aim for every participant is to understand the forces that drive & motivate them, to not only be efficient but also be effective and become unstoppable. In totality, the purpose of undergoing our Personal Effectiveness Training is to ensure that every participant has the right attitude and feels accountable for his/her actions and the resulting consequences on professional as well as one’s personal life.

personal effectiveness transcendence
time mag

Time Management

Time is the most precious resource we have today. It is the only resource that is equal for all universally.  The objective of the training is to make sure that our people understand the concept of time management in its actual sense. The aim of our Time Management Training is to look at managing time in a practical manner as opposed to dealing with it theoretically and being unsuccessful at it. Every participant would understand the importance of prioritization and its impact on their personal & professional life. In totality, the purpose of undergoing this training is to ensure that every participant is up-skilled with the right techniques of time management. Our Time Management Training will help them to channelize and focus their time and efforts in the right direction, which will result in improved levels of self-satisfaction and with others.

time management transcendence
change m

Change Management

The objective of our Change Management Training is to empower our people with the right attitude and a positive mindset towards change. The aim is to help the participants introspect and revisit their current set of actions as compared to the expected professional mindset in the present era of global and professional dynamism. Our Change Management Program also aims to focus on that the actions of each individual determine and have a direct impact on the culture of the organization.

change management transcendence
conflict mang

Conflict Management

Conflicts are common in every sphere of life and the workplace is no exception. Conflict is wrongly looked upon as a negative expression or a state in its literal sense. The aim of this training program is to understand the reasons for conflict in a holistic manner and approach it objectively.  The training is aimed at understanding the various reasons for conflict and the different stages in conflict. Each participant will enhance his/ her techniques to manage conflict. The aim is to help the participants learn to manage conflict with external as well as their internal customers. The objective of the workshop is to enhance the ability to manage different types of personalities in conflicting situations by using emotional intelligence.

conflict management transcendence
emo intel

Emotional Intelligence

Our Emotional intelligence training is about how you can monitor your emotions and understand others' emotions. Being emotionally intelligent helps one to effectively perceive others' emotions and provides a greater degree of understanding of others. Our Emotional intelligence training is useful for effective communication and better self-regulation of emotions. Our Emotional Intelligence Training Program develops and makes one aware of emotional intelligence that assists you to have better performance.

emotional intelligence transcendence
per brand gr

Personal Branding & Grooming

The most successful brands have created an image or a brand identity that alone contributes to their profits. Because what you see is what you believe and that eventually leads to trust and brand loyalty. Have you ever given a thought, that the same is applicable to us? Have we ever given a thought to creating a powerful and trustworthy brand called 'You'? Our Personal Branding Training program revolves around developing you as a brand at the workplace. Our Personal Branding Training program aims to help an individual carve a niche for himself/ herself, which ultimately will be one of the key differences to them being recognized for their professional conduct. Personal grooming is one of the most basic requirements for acceptance in the corporate workplace. Depending on the organizational culture, there are certain expectations in terms of attire and appearance. Moreover, being well-groomed adds to the level of confidence. Our Personal Grooming Training program is based on best practices in grooming for both men and women globally. The aim is to equip the participants with tips and techniques for grooming. The Personal Grooming Training program is designed to help participants to conduct themselves with elegance, grace, and simplicity. The training is designed on the basis of contemporary standards.

personal branding and grooming  skills transcendence
tel etq

Telephone & Email Etiquette

Telephonic interactions are most often the first channel of communication and in many professions the only medium to communicate. Therefore, creating positive first impressions and having communication that is engaging become quintessential to its success. Our Telephone Etiquette Training program is aimed at delivering practical tools and techniques to enhance the skills of the participants that help them sound professional, create rapport almost instantaneously, and have a meaningful dialogue with the person at the other end. In the current advanced digital era, the reach across the globe is as easy as it could get. With remote working teams and service providers operating from remote locations, most of the communication is exchanged over emails for important projects. This holds true for communication within teams and interdepartmental exchanges as well. However, this comes with its own set of challenges and many times affects productivity. Our Email Etiquette Training program addresses the challenges by providing insights into effective email drafting to creating rapport using NLP techniques for a seamless flow of communication.

email etiquette transcendence
bus etq

Business Etiquette

Conducting oneself with grace and professionalism is are few traits that put you in a different league as compared to others. You are perceived and judged on the way you come across as a professional which has a great bearing on the business outcomes and is almost parallel to the other skills one possesses.  The objective of our Business Etiquette Training program is to develop the participants into thorough professionals. The aim of our Business Etiquette Training is to highlight the importance of professional grooming and business correspondence. The idea is to drive in the point of conducting oneself with grace, confidence, and poise yet making it effortless and simple.  

business etiquette transcendence
sales t

Sales Training

The objective of our Sales Training is to draw the attention of our people to understand the essentials of a sales professional being smart. The aim is to drive in the point of having a positive attitude and the correct mindset even before they serve the customer. The aim for every participant is to understand their role in the transaction and its direct impact on the customer experience at the time of handling an inquiry. The purpose of undergoing Sales Training is to ensure that every participant has the right attitude and is equipped with the right skill sets and techniques to perform at their best and positively impact the customer experience, resulting in increased conversion ratio and in long term, to higher customer retention. The bottom line is to ensure, that we shift our mindset from selling to consulting.

sales training transcendence
retail s

Retail Sales Training

The objective of our Retail Sales Training is to look at selling skills in the retail sphere. The aim for every participant is to understand the entire sales process, right from the opening to a successful closure. The objective of our Retail Sales Training is to help the participants imbibe the appropriate retail strategies and manage sales. The objective is to understand the buying behavior of the consumer and the key influencing techniques that lead the customer to take action, finally resulting in a purchase.

retail sales transcendence
lux sale

Luxury Sales Training

The definition of luxury by books is ' State of Extravagance' 'Something Desirable but not Necessary'. Selling luxury is, therefore, is all about selling aspirations. It is more about educating the buyer and facilitating the buying process rather than hard selling. Delivering excellent service, therefore, is an integral part of selling luxury. Our Luxury Sales Training program is designed to create service excellence and a distinct buying experience for the customer. The participants are trained to pay attention to every minute detail in the buying experience as it is equally important as the product or service itself, therefore an element of exclusivity can be created.

luxury sales transcendence

Negotiation Skills

We negotiate with the world around us from the moment we are born till the time we cease to exist. Negotiation is an extension of one's personality and sorts. The objective of our Negotiation Skills Training is to create powerful and dynamic negotiators. The training is aimed at understanding the various stages in a negotiation. The focus of Negotiation Skills Training evolves around the attitudes required for effective negotiations. Each participant will enhance his/ her techniques and tactics of negotiations. The aim is to help the participants learn to negotiate with external as well as their internal customers. The objective of the workshop is to enhance the negotiating power of the participants, in a way that makes it easy for them to get an incredibly ‘Yes’ on a negotiating table.

negotiation skills transcendence

Key Account Management

The Pareto principle is applicable to the key accounts like it is to most of the aspects. Therefore your key accounts need to be managed slightly differently as compared to the regular accounts. The objective of our Key Account Management Training is to draw the attention of the participants to understand key accounts. The aim of every participant is to understand the importance and the impact of relationship selling as against transactional selling and managing key accounts. The purpose of undergoing our Key Account Management Training is to ensure that every participant has the right set of techniques that enable him/her to boost sales and not only increase but also sustain business profitability. The bottom line is to ensure, that we shift our mindset from selling to consulting. By the end of the session, the participants will be aware of the required skill sets and techniques that will help them enhance business profitability. This will lead to an enhanced level of confidence in each of the participants directly resulting in greater efficiency and effectiveness. Each participant will be able to work as a consultant who is capable of offering solutions and maintaining productive business relationships by applying the key principles of strategic account management. 

managing key accounts transcendence

Interviewing Skills

Recruiting the right candidate for the required position is one of the key challenges that are faced by HR professionals across the spectrum. The requirements are expected to be fulfilled swiftly without compromising efficiency. This training program enables the participants to structure the interviews effectively. The aim of the training is to help participants structure interviews that are based on mapping and evaluating the competencies of the candidates. The training program is aimed to refine the existing selection and recruitment processes and make the participants aware of assessment centers that can be used to support the recruitment process.

interviewing skills transcendence

Train The Trainer

The aim of conducting a Trainer The Trainer is to develop internal trainers to deliver exuberance. Drive in the importance of communication skills to have a greater impact on the learning outcome. Enhance the presentation & facilitation skills by understanding adult learning principles & various models that are used in contemporary times. The aim of our Train The Trainer program is to create and sustain an enhanced level of awareness about the audience & managing different types of behaviors. Participants will be able to practice by conducting teach-back sessions with live feedback from their peers and master trainer.

train the trainer transcendence

Campus To Corporate

Our Campus to Corporate training course is designed to give you the best exposure to the contemporary skills and knowledge that make you employable. We help you become charismatic and confident while facing interviews. We enhance your confidence and work on the essential personality traits that make you stand apart from the rest of the competition. Our faculties are highly experienced with international exposure and certified by internationally accredited bodies. We develop you to meet the globally accepted standards and enhance your communication.

campus to corporate

Full Stack Development

Take our Full Stack Developer Training Course to start a life-changing adventure. As you become proficient in front-end and back-end technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and more, you may unleash your potential as a coder. Learn how to build dynamic, end-to-end online solutions through practical projects and real-world applications. Gain a wide range of skills that are necessary to meet the demands of the modern IT industry and improve your job prospects. Come work with us to become a flexible Full Stack Developer equipped to lead and prosper in the dynamic web development industry.

full stack

Data Analytics

Unlock the power of data, with our training course in data analytics. Explore lessons that cover machine learning, data visualization, and statistical analysis. Develop your skills using industry-leading tools like Tableau, R, and Python. This course equips you with the resources to uncover insights make informed decisions and propel your career in the dynamic field of data analytics—regardless of your expertise level. Embrace a future driven by data, with our expert-led training program.


Front End Development

Take our Front-End Developer Training Course and set out on an exciting adventure. Explore the world of web development as you become an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, developing the abilities to create user interfaces that are both visually appealing and responsive. This course, which is taught by professionals in the field, blends theory with practical projects to make sure you have the newest skills and knowledge. Develop your skills as a Front-End Developer and take the next step in your career by creating interesting and user-friendly websites that will change the digital environment. Come along with us to explore your creative side and succeed at the cutting edge of contemporary web development.

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Cyber Security Training

With the help of our cybersecurity training course, enter the world of digital defence. This programme, which is intended for professionals in training, gives you the tools you need to protect networks, identify weaknesses, and foil online attacks. Participate in practical exercises that address risk management, cryptography, and ethical hacking. Under the guidance of seasoned professionals, learn useful insights into the changing cybersecurity world. Get ready to strengthen systems and assume a crucial role as a protector against online threats. Acquire the skill of cybersecurity with us, and ensure your future in the digital era with a robust and sought-after profession.

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Microsoft Office

Increase your output with our Microsoft Office Training Course. Discover the entire power of the Microsoft Office Suite, from Word's document grace to Excel's data mastery. This course offers practical expertise in delivering effective presentations, managing data efficiently, and developing polished documents, regardless of your level of experience. Develop your professional skills by learning in-depth knowledge of Office software. Come learn how to take advantage of Microsoft Office's productivity and versatility to advance your career in the digital workplace.

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Microsoft Office Administrator

With our in-depth training programme, learn how to use Microsoft Office's administrative features. Learn about the nuances of Office 365 and other administrative tools, becoming an expert in security measures, user administration, and teamwork features. Develop your abilities to effectively oversee and maximise the functionality of Microsoft Office products within your company. Whether you work as an administrator or an IT specialist, this course gives you the tools to improve efficiency and streamline processes. Come learn from us to become a skilled Microsoft Office administrator, capable of navigating the administrative environment of this indispensable business suite.


Project Management Professional

With the help of our MS Project Management Tools Training Course, handle projects effectively. Learn how to assign resources, schedule tasks, and monitor your progress by diving into Microsoft Project. Discover how to cooperate easily, streamline processes, and complete projects on schedule and within budget. This course equips you with the necessary knowledge to improve your project management ability with Microsoft products, regardless of your experience level as a project manager or aspirant professional. Come explore MS Project's full potential with us, so that you may successfully plan and carry out projects with efficiency and accuracy.


5 - S Training

With the help of our 5S Management Tools Training Course, increase productivity at work. Explore the ideas of Shine, Standardise, Sustain, Streamline, and Sort to create a more efficient and well-organized workplace. Discover how to reduce waste, increase output, and improve overall effectiveness at work. This training gives professionals from a variety of industries the skills they need to use and maintain the 5S technique. Come transform how you handle organisational management by working with us to promote an operational excellence and continuous improvement culture.

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Process Improvement

With the help of our Process Improvement Tools Training Course, streamline processes and promote success. Investigate a variety of approaches, such as Lean and Six Sigma, to improve productivity, cut down on waste, and boost overall performance. Learn how to simplify processes and promote continuous improvement with abilities ranging from statistical process control to root cause analysis. This training equips individuals from a variety of industries to drive significant process improvements. Come learn the craft of process improvement with us, and we'll make sure your company maintains its competitive edge and produces excellent outcomes.

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